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CTK Confirmations _ 1st Communions 5-13-22 by Richard Lo Photography (70).jpg

Current Families

Christ the King families can access a variety of school  resources for their child. 


At Christ the King, the goal of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is to identify, coordinate, and facilitate community resources, as well as continue to provide support to the school and parish through volunteer activities, social functions, and fundraisers.  The PTO sponsors two main fundraising events each academic year: Fall Gala and a Spring Event.  The PTO organizes other events throughout the academic year for the CK community.  

Every parent and teacher is a member of the PTO.  The PTO Board consists of parent volunteers.  Dates and times of meetings are posted on the School Calendar.  Meetings are open, and parents are encouraged to attend. 

Ram Shack

The Ram Shack is a place we use on many different occasions.  It is open during sporting events and occasionally throughout the year at special events and even before or after school.  Snacks and school gear will be sold in this location. Need a hot dog during a game or a CK sweatshirt on a cold day? The RAM Shack is where you will find these treasures.


Check the school calendar for dates and times it will be open.


We appreciate any and all time that parents and community members are willing to give back to CK. Throughout the school year, volunteers are needed for a variety of events, social and student activities. Please contact Heidi to volunteer your time.

AFW Rewards

Thinking of new home furnishings? An easy way to support Christ the King is to mention us anytime you make a purchase at any American Furniture Warehouse - in store, online, or by phone. AFW purchases earn CK 2-4% back in donations. For online orders, input our ID CTKDEN in the “Special Comments” box at the payment screen.

See what our Fall Gala 2023 donations are supporting!
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